Студент УрГЭУ занял призовое место на соревнованиях по настольному теннису в Испании

USUE student Konstantin Kislitsyn participated in international competition in table tennis among persons with mobility disabilities. The athlete took fifth place in the individual event, and his team won the "bronze".

The competition took place from 9 to 12 November in Alicante (Spain). It gathered table tennis player from China, Japan, Indonesia, Ecuador, Great Britain, Italy, Hungary, and Russia.

"I played against an English athlete. At the beginning, I led the game but eventually lost with a score of 1: 3. We were two in the team with a Spanish player", Konstantin said.

The next table tennis competition among persons with mobility disabilities will be held from November 18 to 21 in Cheboksary. Athletes under the age of 21 can take part in the Championship of Russia.

As a reminder, from October 19 to 22 in Veliky Novgorod there were competitions among persons with mobility disabilities dedicated to the memory of the Great Russian commander Alexander Nevsky. There, Konstantin Kislitsyn took first place in the individual and team competitions in table tennis.

Студент УрГЭУ Константин Кислицын принял участие в Международных соревнованиях по настольному теннису среди инвалидов с поражением опорно-двигательного аппарата. Спортсмен занял пятое место в личном первенстве, а его команда смогла завоевать «бронзу».