The Eurasian Economic Youth Forum means long-awaited meetings, new scientific contacts, speeches by world-famous scientists, and the first steps of college and high school students in science. Every day of the forum and every event is unforgettable for its numerous participants and guests. 

The anniversary 10th forum, which took place in April 2019, gathered a record number of participants. It was attended by 3500 delegates from 72 countries and 70 RF regions, officials of 11 representations of foreign states in the Russian Federation, representatives of ministries and departments, Consuls General of 18 countries in Yekaterinburg, 24 representatives of diplomatic missions, representatives of 142 universities from around the world (69 of them are universities in Asia, Africa, Latin America, the Middle East and 73 universities in Russia), 462 experts, and more than 500 high school students. During the four days of the forum, 2916 research projects were presented by its participants.

Currently, preparations are underway for the 11th Forum “Russia and the World's Regions: the Realization of Ideas and Economy of Opportunities”.
Look at the happy faces of the forum participants, contestants, speakers, and scientists!
We are waiting for you next year!

The Eurasian Economic Youth Forum means long-awaited meetings, new scientific contacts, speeches by world-famous scientists, and the first steps of college and high school students in science. Every day of the forum and every event is unforgettable for its numerous participants and guests.

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