11 USUE students became state scholarship holders!

Eleven students of Ural State University of Economics won competitions to appoint special scholarships from RF President, the Government of the Russian Federation, the Governor of the Sverdlovsk region, and from the USUE Academic Council. Throughout the year, every month, they will receive payments for high academic performance and achievements in educational and research activities.

To get a state scholarship, it is not enough to get high grades at several end-of-semester exams in a row; you need to pursue research, to take part in championships and competitions, win Olympiads, and have achievements in international, national, and regional conferences, forums and festivals.



Over the past five years, eight students from USUE received Presidential scholarships, thirteen–scholarships from the RF Government, fifteen - from the Governor of the Sverdlovsk Region, and ten - from the Academic Council of Ural State University of Economics. 

We would like to remind that the following students may apply for these scholarships: full-time students being in bachelor’s, specialist’s, and master’s programs, programs of academic and teaching staff training, and programs of postgraduate studies (military postgraduate studies, medical residency, qualification assistantship) with state accreditation, as well as those for training of mid-level specialists with state accreditation.

Eleven students of Ural State University of Economics won competitions to appoint special scholarships from RF President, the Government of the Russian Federation, the Governor of the Sverdlovsk region, and from the USUE Academic Council.

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