270 USUE graduates have received bachelors degrees

March 1, the graduation ceremony for USUE bachelors was held. 270 extra-mural students received documents, confirming their professional level.

The first to receive diplomas were eight students who graduated with honors in State and Municipal Administration, Finance and Credit, Trade, Management, and Personnel Management.

Sergei Rogozhin, USUE Vice-Rector for Academic Affairs, congratulated the bachelors, "We hope that studying at the University was useful for you. I would like you to use this knowledge and be in demand. Do not interrupt relations with USUE: return to us for further training or retraining." Besides, the Vice-Rector thanked all the faculty members.

The parting speech was made by the dean of extra-mural faculty Dmitry Karkh, "The main thing is not the color of the diploma: the main thing is who you will become in future. I wish everyone to remember that you studied at Ural State University of Economics, we will be proud of your achievements, and you will glorify our University with your decent work and successes."
The ceremonial presentation was continued by the members of departments. The graduates were wished business and life achievements.

March 1, the graduation ceremony for USUE bachelors was held. 270 extra-mural students received documents, confirming their professional level.

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