We congratulate the graduates of the Institute of Extramural and Intra-Extramural Training of Ural State University of Economics on the completion of studies and obtaining the dream diplomas! In the 2020 academic year, 305 students received these documents, 13 of them – diplomas with high honors.
The official ceremony was held on March 3 at the USUE Recreation Center. Their friends, relatives, teachers and the University high management came to congratulate the finalists. The graduates were pursuing a bachelor's degree in 9 areas, 17 specialties at 12 USUE departments.
“You have entered an exciting, happy and at the same time a worrying stage in your life. You have done a great job studying by correspondence at our University. This work was accompanied by professional activities and domesticities. I sincerely thank you and your loved ones, as well as the teachers who all this time helped you realize your dreams. The doors of our University are always open for you,” USEU rector Yakov Silin congratulated the graduates. 
According to the Institute management, extramural and intra-extramural forms of training continue to gain popularity among applicants. And, though state-funded places had been reduced, the number of applicants enrolled at the University in 2019 increased and amounted to 371 people. In total, about 1500 students are receiving higher education at the USUE Institute of Extramural and Intra-Extramural Training.

We congratulate the graduates of the Institute of Extramural and Intra-Extramural Training of Ural State University of Economics on the completion of studies and obtaining the dream diplomas! In the 2020 academic year, 305 students received these documents, 13 of them – diplomas with high honors.

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