5 reasons to undertake a master’s degree at USUE

USUE hospitably opened the doors to future master’s students. Undergrads, as well as degree holders - and even several ones- visited one of the best universities in the Urals to become acquainted with the areas of training, admissions, and ask questions of interest directly to the heads of departments. Besides, the meeting was broadcast.

 The rector of Ural State University of Economics Yakov Silin welcomed future applicants: “The advantages of USUE master’s programs are that our university is really practice -oriented. We have good ties with the business sector, industrial enterprises, including the defense industry, and government authorities. We guarantee our graduate a good job. Someone makes a career, someone pursues science, and someone needs to update their knowledge: the University follows the trends and offers a finished product for the benefit of everyone. I advise you to weigh everything well and stay focused, not trying to enter several universities. Ask all your questions today, come here or contact us remotely: you will always get answers.

First reason to undertake a master’s program at USUE is an opportunity to build a successful career.

USUE’s master’s programs make it possible to implement an individual learning path, plunge into the international educational environment thanks to mobility programs (student exchange), enter the labor market being a professional, and even defend your business project as a degree paper. A ready-made business plan or start-up, which is presented by master’s graduates, also serves as the beginning of their career growth. By the way, experts-practitioners, who are well aware of all market changes, take part in the preparation and review of term and degree papers of USUE master’s students.

Second reason: a possibility to radically change the area of activity. Master’s degree studies at USUE are an opportunity to change or supplement your education with professional competencies that are necessary and in demand on the labor market.

Third reason: a boost to move up the career ladder. Lack of a master’s degree can be an obstacle to career growth. For example, the level of higher education is fundamentally important for a manager, and a master’s degree opens up broader opportunities for professional growth. “We work with such giants as Russian Copper Company, Ural Tire Plant, ZAO Energomash, Ural Pipe and Metallurgical Company and others. Entire departments study with us; many of the top managers are our graduates. Employers consider our master students as potential professionals and are ready to hire them even before their receiving a diploma. Therefore, most USUE master students successfully integrate their studies with internships in Russia and abroad, and after graduation they are offered managerial positions and good salaries,” noticed the director of the USUE Institute of Master’s Courses Alla Matveeva.

Fourth reason: deepening in the scientific activity. A contact with the USUE faculty, which comprises 85% candidates and doctors of sciences, guarantees the success of the master’s student in his own research activities. Currently, the University has 6 dissertation councils and its own high-level dedicated journals, where students can publish their articles.

A master’s degree will also be useful for those who plan to continue their career at a university as a teacher, and plan to enter postgraduate school - this will not work right after a bachelor’s degree.

Finally, fifth reason: You can study alongside employment. Full-time master’s students attend the university three times a week in the evenings, part-time lectures are held on Saturdays, and for extra-mural students there are overview lectures and examination sessions with a certificate-call to the employer. There is also an opportunity to get master’s degree through fully remote training.

USUE hosted an open day for future master’s students.

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