USUE is recognized as one of the most influential universities in Russia

The RAEX rating agency has published a list of the most influential universities in Russia. Ural State University of Economics took 74th place on this list.

The ranking determines the list of universities that have the greatest influence on society: impact on the formation of elites, on the scientific community, prestige among young people, and influence on the Internet audience.

The ranking of the influential Russian universities is compiled based on 14 criteria: this is monitoring the employment of graduates of the RF Ministry of Education and Science, data from Wikipedia and social networks, the number of scientific papers of students and teachers, etc. They took into account only data from open sources. Universities themselves do not collect information. This means that higher education institutions cannot influence the position in the ranking.

The immediate neighbors of USUE in the ranking are Perm State National Research University (75th place) and St. Petersburg State University of Industrial Technologies and Design (73rd place). Most of the universities included in the ranking are classical and technical universities. Less than ten economic universities have been rated.

“For applicants and their parents, the university ranking is an important indicator,” Viktor Blaginin, the head of the USUE Department of Scientometrics, Research and Ratings, explains. “The more graduates find a prestigious high-paying job, the higher the ranking of the university is. The higher the ranking, the more prestigious the university is. The more prestigious the university is, the more people want to receive education there to find a prestigious well-paid job in the future. These are all interconnected processes.”

The ranking of influential Russian universities is included in the Three Missions of University ecosystem of educational rankings and is compiled with the support of the Russian Union of Rectors and the Association of Ranking Agencies. They published the first ranking in 2020, and at that time, USUE lacked quite a bit to enter the TOP. No ranking was compiled in 2021 because of the COVID-19 pandemic. And this year, USUE is on the list of the most influential universities in the country, which means that USUE is a developing university that provides high-quality education.

Ural State University of Economics took 74th place according to the RAEX ranking.

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