80 days to EEYF!

The organizing committee for preparing the XIV Eurasian Economic Youth Forum held a meeting at USUE, chaired by USUE Rector Yakov Silin. The organizing committee scheduled EEYF to take place from April 22 to April 26. This year, the university expects over 12 thousand participants. Among them are diplomats, rectors of universities in Russia and around the world, and the best economic experts.

48 diplomatic representatives from all continents have already confirmed their visit. They will hold public lectures for young people. Translators will assist in overcoming the language barrier, making presentations broadcast in six languages.

 “There is a proposal to scale up the target audience of our forum and organize meetings between diplomats and students of sponsored schools not within the walls of the university, but at their places. In this case, schoolchildren will get first-hand answers without interrupting the educational process,” USUE Rector Yakov Silin suggested.

Yakov Silin emphasized the importance of sticking to the stated theme “Russia-Eurasia-World. Integration-Development-Prospect”. According to him, in recent years, residents of foreign countries have been especially interested in the historical role of Eurasia, and the leading economic university in the Urals will become just the platform where one can and should come to express his/her opinion and listen to others.

Besides, members of the organizing committee discussed some issues related to organizing logistics, preparing information materials, and filling the theme-based areas of the forum.

“The interest in the Eurasian Economic Youth Forum is colossal; this is, rightfully, one of the key events in the business life of Yekaterinburg. As of today, 6824 participants have registered, and this is only the start. At the end of April, we expect over 12 thousand guests,” Roman Krasnov, USUE Vice-Rector for Social Work and Youth Policy, said.

The Eurasian Economic Youth Forum supports young people in unlocking their creativity and advancing in science, projects, and entrepreneurship.

The international youth movement Eurasian Economic Youth Forum (EEYF) is Eurasian in spirit, but global in geography, an initiative association of intellectual youth from different countries under the auspices of the Eurasian Economic Club of Scientists, the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation, the Federal Agency for Youth Affairs of the Russian Federation – (Rosmolodezh), Federal Agency for the Commonwealth of Independent States, Compatriots Living Abroad, and International Humanitarian Cooperation (Rossotrudnichestvo), and the Government of the Sverdlovsk region.

Participants will enjoy public lectures, plenary sessions, six thematic congresses, as well as almost 50 competitions and Olympiads. Registration for the EEYF goes on; the application form is available on the USUE website.

USUE hosted a meeting of the organizing committee for preparing the XIV Eurasian Economic Youth Forum

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