Seven teams from Yekaterinburg colleges took part in the business quest, which took place at USUE. During business competitions for future entrepreneurs, students had to come up with an idea and identify potential consumers.

"Whatever great your idea is, without the definition of the target audience, the success of the future business is impossible," the expert of the business quest and an owner of one of the successful Yekaterinburg companies Zinaida Gavrik summed up in her presentation.

The students brainstormed their business ideas for potential consumer groups.

"We will publish the works of young creative people: poets, writers, musicians, artists of all stripes," the members of the Yekaterinburg Equipment Mounting College team said.

Their project was a mobile application called "Apollo's Feather", which would help novice unknown talents to make themselves known on the Internet. In turn, the authors of the application guarantee that they will help find work for young people: for artists - galleries for organizing personal exhibitions, for musicians - concert venues.

Having listened to all participants and evaluated their business projects, the jury noted their novelty and originality, and expressed their wishes for further elaboration of the presented ideas.

During each academic year, a series of business competitions take place at Ural State University of Economics, in which students from the colleges of the Sverdlovsk region take part. The winners will get into the final of the business battle.

“The game format, in which these events are traditionally held, forms market thinking of its participants. The students become acquainted with the University and for many of them, it is a reference point in choosing a future profession. Many of them later become USUE students," says Lyudmila Egovtseva, head of the Business Workshop on Social Entrepreneurship.

The final business battles will end in April. The top three teams will receive the right to participate in the Eurasian Economic Youth Forum.

Seven teams from Yekaterinburg colleges took part in the business quest, which took place at USUE. During business competitions for future entrepreneurs, students had to come up with an idea and identify potential consumers.

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