Today, manufacturers of dairy products provide consumers with a huge assortment of yogurt. Laboratory tests allow us to find out which one of them is the healthiest and natural, and, most importantly, is of the best quality.

As part of his thesis, a USUE student Dmitry Bobylev investigated 4 samples of yogurts made on different starters, in order to understand which of the starters makes yogurt of higher quality not only by organoleptic but also by physical and chemical parameters.

- Why did you study exactly yogurts and what is the purpose of research?

- The idea came spontaneously. Together with my supervisor, deputy director of the USUE Institute of Trade, Food Technologies and Service, Vladimir Lazarev, we like milk and dairy products, we are interested in the current state and trends of this market development, and we monitor new products. In the past few years, the yogurt market has been developing quite rapidly. On the shelves, you can see more and more non-standard yogurts of enhanced nutritional value, rich in various healthy lactics, fiber, vitamins, and grain components. This, for example, are " Epica ", "Sloboda", and " Vkusnoteevo ". So we decided why not to add a whey concentrate to increase the nutritional value of yogurt?

Now we are trying to determine at what stage of production it is best to add it, what concentration is optimal and whether it will raise the nutritional value of yogurt in general.

Let us see what happens next. I think that to begin with, I will take part in forums, conferences, various competitions and publish an article in a HAC (Russian VAK) journal. Besides, of course, I am going to defend my final qualifying paper.

Today, manufacturers of dairy products provide consumers with a huge assortment of yogurt. Laboratory tests allow us to find out which one of them is the healthiest and natural, and, most importantly, is of the best quality.

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