Academic mobility promotes learning

Rector of Ural State University of Economics Yakov Silin is on a working visit to the southern capital of Kyrgyzstan, the city of Osh. The visit to Osh State Law Institute (OshSLI) is related to the recently signed Cooperation Agreement.

USUE Rector met with the leadership of OshSLI: Rector Egemberdi Toktorov, Vice-Rector for academic Affairs Mamasaly Arstanbekov and Vice-Rector for Research And International Relations Baibolot Abytov.

During the meeting, the colleagues discussed international relations between the two universities, including the exchange of best practices. Particular attention was paid to the academic mobility of students as the most motivating factor for involving young people in research and interdisciplinary project activities. Besides, during the negotiations between Yakov Petrovich and Egemberdi Samidinovich, they touched upon joint science-to-practice conferences, publication of collected papers, and organization of summer schools for junior researchers.


According to Yakov Silin, joining the efforts, both universities will get an opportunity ce Core Collection), and Journal of New Economy (until 2019 - News of Ural State University of Economics) are included in the updated list of peer-reviewed journals of the Higher Attestation Commission of the RF Ministry of Science and Higher Education for publishing the main scientific results of dissertations for the degree of doctor and candidate of sciences.


The staff of the Institute awarded Professor Yakov Silin the title of Honorary Professor of Osh State Law Institute.

During the working visit, USUE Rector Yakov Silin discussed further ways of cooperation with the Rector of Osh State Law Institute.

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