April 22, the meeting of the Eurasian Research Institute of Man was held in today’s usual online format on the YouTube channel.      

The live broadcast on “ COVID -19 Outbreak: Issues, Solutions, and Prospects” was conducted by Academician of the Russian Academy of Sciences, President of the Eurasian Research Institute of Man, member of the Presidium of the Ural Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences Valery Chereshnev.  


In his lecture, Valery Alexandrovich provided information on the urgent problems of COVID -19, which have been of concern to the whole world since the first infected with a new coronavirus was officially identified in China in December 2019: the origin of the virus, infection chains, methods of protection, and new treatments.  


Talking about the main ways of infection (airborne and contact), the scientist emphasized that isolation is the most important way to prevent its spread among people. Only in such a way it is possible to stop the rapid spread of coronavirus.

Valery Chereshnev gave an overview of scenarios in which the pandemic develops in different countries; he spoke about the types of coronaviruses, their differences in China, the USA, Europe, and Russia.


Valery Chereshnev answered many questions that become the subject of discussion in modern society. For example, should one wear a face mask? Yes, it is necessary, especially for those who are already sick, coughing, and sneezing


The academician considered it necessary to remind that people with good immunity and embracing a healthy lifestyle are more likely to have mild disease.

Answering questions from viewers of the online report, Valery Chereshnev agreed with the recent popular saying that this pandemic will change the world. In his opinion, family values ??will change, more people (especially in large cities) will switch to distance work, and, of course, the attitude towards medicine and science will change.


The full lecture record can be viewed here.  

April 22, the meeting of the Eurasian Research Institute of Man was held in today’s usual online format on the YouTube channel.

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