Red Ribbon action took place at USUE

From December 5 to December 8, Ural State University of Economics hosts the All-Russian action "Stop HIV / AIDS". Today, the volunteers distributed the official international symbol of the fight against AIDS - a red ribbon.

The red ribbon is a sign of involvement in the global problem, a symbol of solidarity with those whom the AIDS epidemic has touched personally: with HIV-infected and AIDS patients, with their relatives and friends. Having attached the red ribbon to outer garments just near the heart, students openly declared their solidarity with HIV-infected people.

December 7, USUE will arrange an interactive exhibition "Remember. Know. Live." with a quiz "What do you know about HIV?" Students will learn about the public attitude to HIV, to the epidemic, and to the prevention of disease, and will see the world through the eyes of HIV-infected people.

You can sign up for a tour of the exhibition at the Department for Youth Policy (office 251, Anastasia Dremina, ph. 22-27-24). The quiz will be held immediately after the tour.

In addition, on December 8, everyone will be able to undergo anonymous express-HIV testing. It can be done in office 254 from 11:00 to 15:00.

From December 5 to December 8, Ural State University of Economics hosts the All-Russian action "Stop HIV / AIDS". Today, the volunteers distributed the official international symbol of the fight against AIDS - a red ribbon.

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