PbSEU is actively preparing for EEYF

USUE partner - St. Petersburg University of State Economics conducting great work to prepare its site for the XII Eurasian Economic Youth Forum. 

Coordinators from Ural State University of Economics and its partner university - St. Petersburg State University of Economics (SPbSEU) - met at a video conference. On the part of USUE, it was attended by Vice-Rector for Social Work Roman Krasnov, head of Office for Social Work Nikita Vasiliev, the head of the USUE Information and Advertising Office Yevgenia Degtyarevaand a lead specialist of the Office for Social Work Ekaterina Shchetinina     

Coordinators from St. Petersburg at the conference were Vice-rector on Scientific Affairs Elena Gorbashko, director of the Center of International Research and Projects Elena Vasilieva, head of Office for Youth Research Natalia Androsenko, head of the Department for Organization of Student Competitions and Olympiads Anastasia Kolbina, and Chairperson of the Council of Young Scientists Maria Suchkova.

SPbSEU will hold competitions within the Congress of Economists and the Congress of Financiers: the international competition of research works of young scientists and students "Assessment of the Regulatory Impact in Public and Municipal Administration" and the Scientific and Applied Competition "Project Laboratory of Financial Literacy". Besides, the partner university suggested adding a third competition and took responsibility for its arrangement and conduct.

The parties agreed that USUE would send its partners a roadmap for joint preparation for EEYF. SPbSEU shared its plans to unite more than 70 higher educational institutions from all over the North-Western District of Russia and presented the preliminary list. The coordinators discussed opportunities for student interaction in the preparation of competitive works. Roman Krasnov announced that both individual and group projects (with 2-5 authors) would be admitted to competitions. If a group work wins, all members of the group will be awarded.  

Elena Gorbashko voiced the idea of ​​cooperation of students from universities of different countries for the preparation of joint projects. SPbSEU received such experience implementing student exchange ERASMUS + programs with universities in Eurasia. The participants of the conference from USUE supported the idea and noted that EEYF had already moved beyond Eurasia and received participants from all over the world - from Argentina to Australia, so the scope for research interaction of participants is truly limitless.

Roman Krasnov invited the SPbSEU delegation to attend the finals of the forum in Yekaterinburg to be held from 26 to 29 April 2022. The guests will enjoy a cultural program, including a visit to the border of Europe and Asia. The conference participants from the Northern capital expressed their hope for the successful implementation of all joint plans. In addition, the rector of St. Petersburg State University of Economics Igor Maksimtsev was invited to take part in the Council of Rectors of Economic Universities. The Council traditionally serves as a liaison between higher educational institutions to exchange experience and ideas for the training of highly skilled specialists, whom economic prosperity will soon depend on. In the end, Roman Krasnov thanked all those present for their active work and congratulated them on the upcoming New Year.  

The EEYF site in St. Petersburg will bring together participants from 73 universities.  

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