Alex Aizikovich held a public lecture at USUE

Today, Ural State University of Economics hosted a public lecture delivered by Dr. Alex Aizikovich (Israel) on "Human Resources in Modern World: Requirements, Training, and Assessment (the Case of the Israeli Health Care System)." The organizers of the lecture were the Urals Chamber of Commerce and Industry and the USUE Institute of Management.

Besides students, faculty members and the staff  of Ural State University of Economics, the public lecture was attended by Alexander Makarov, vice-president of the Ural CCI, Irena Bazite, head of the primary emergency medical care department of the Ministry of Health of the Sverdlovsk region, Alexandra Pavlova, head of the organizational department of the Ministry of Health of the Sverdlovsk Region, Elena Zholobova, head of the Territorial Health Department for the Western administrative district of the Sverdlovsk region of the Ministry of Health, Olga Ledyankina, deputy director for scientific and methodical work at "Sverdlovsk Regional Medical College", and other officials of the medical institutions of Yekaterinburg and the Sverdlovsk region.

Alexander Kokovikhin, director of the USUE Institute of Management and Information Technologies, addressed the audience with a welcoming speech, "Our today's meeting will be devoted to issues that are extremely important for our country. These are issues related to changes that are taking place around the world with respect to personnel study. The development of technologies and society sets new requirements in terms of personnel training and management. Health care and education are important components of economy. The issues of management and financing in the concept of modern management are of paramount importance here. "

Alexander Makarov greeted the participants of the lecture and spoke about the importance of the exchange of professional experience, "Today we are approaching a common civilizational model, a single format of society's life. In this model, along with the work that will remain as a means of self-expression, issues of health, prosperity, happiness, education, and competencies will be decisive. "

During the lecture, Alex Aizikovich highlighted a number of acute social issues related to the sphere of medicine: dissatisfaction with the quality, quantity, and cost of services, high expenses for the development of medicine and the degree of state participation in social spheres in order to maintain market equilibrium. According to the lecturer, the personnel affairs in medicine are critical and in many respects, it is due to the fact that 15-20 years are needed to train a good doctor. In parallel, Alex Aizikovich spoke about the existing problems in the field of medicine: the aging of staff, the ratio of doctors and nurses in hospitals, the change and development of technologies, the improvement of training, and other issues that need to be considered and clarified.

The lecture was interesting from the point of view of international experience exchange and provoked a stormy discussion on its completion. We thank the audience for their active participation in the discussions.

Today, Ural State University of Economics hosted a public lecture delivered by Dr. Alex Aizikovich (Israel) on "Human Resources in Modern World: Requirements, Training, and Assessment (the Case of the Israeli Health Care System)." The organizers of the lecture were the Urals Chamber of Commerce and Industry and the USUE Institute of Management.

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