Almaty Technological University has joined XIII EEYF

Students of universities in South Kazakhstan will take part in the EEYF competitive program at the site of Almaty Technological University. The winners will present their works at the finals of the forum in Yekaterinburg.

Today, Ural State University of Economics hosted an online meeting with representatives of Almaty Technological University (ATU). This year, ATU will take part in EEYF for the first time and will become one of the two Kazakhstani forum sites.

ATU is one of the top-rank technological universities in the country located in Alma-Ata. Over 7 thousand students study at the university, 6% of them being international students. Since 2012, USUE and ATU have been cooperating in the area of academic mobility. Students of the Kazakh university study at USUE online.

USUE Vice-rector for Social Work and Youth Policy Roman Krasnov presented the congresses of the Eurasian Economic Youth Forum to his colleagues from Kazakhstan and announced the out-of-competition program. From ATU the meeting was attended by Vice-rector for Science and Innovation Bakhodir Aliyev, Dean of the Faculty of Economics and Business Diana Abdraimova, and Head of Science Department Rauan Mukhtarkhanova, who confirmed the readiness of the university to become a co-organizer of the XIII EEYF.

During the videoconference, the parties discussed cooperation within EEYF.

They agreed that the coordinators from USUE would send the partners a roadmap for joint preparation for EEYF with the dates of the competitions to be held at the international site at ATU. Almaty Technological University, in turn, will provide information on universities and experts, whom it will involve taking part in competitions on its site.

It is planned to invite students, master’s students and postgraduates from different universities in the region. They will take part in the contests proposed by the forum. The winners will go to Yekaterinburg for the events to be held as part of the XIII EEYF at USUE. The rest of the participants can attend online lectures in various areas: research, entrepreneurship, economics, education, culture, sports, tourism, and industrial complex.

This year, the XIII Eurasian Economic Youth Forum is planned to be held at 10 venues. St. Petersburg State University of Economics, Vladivostok State University, Belarus State Economic University, M. Ryskulbekov Kyrgyz University of Economics, Tajik National University, and Tashkent State University of Economics have already confirmed their participation.

Rectors of universities in Russia and abroad also confirmed participation in the forum. To date, about 30 universities have announced the participation of their delegates in the events. The territorial coverage of Russian universities in this list is wide: the Far East, Siberia, Ural, the Volga region, the Central and Northwestern districts. Diplomats from fourteen foreign states showed interest in taking part in the forum.

There will be two EEYF sites in the Republic of Kazakhstan

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