Bachelor’s degree simultaneously at USUE and TSUE

Graduates of Tashkent State University of Economics of the Republic of Uzbekistan, who were trained under the joint educational program of USUE and TSUE, received higher education diplomas. All of them are future businessmen and economists.

Today, 906 students are studying at TSUE under joint study programs: 875 are doing a bachelor’s and 31 are pursuing master’s studies. Of this year’s 277 graduates, 73 are small business management professionals, 70 are future corporate managers, 69 are finance and credit professionals, and 65 are business analysts.

The participants in the graduation ceremony were Yakov Silin, USUE Rector, Dmitry Karkh, Vice-Rector for Academic Affairs, Teaching Methods and Quality of Training, Ekaterina Yalunina, Director of the USUE Institute of Continuing and Distance Education, and Mikhail Vozhdaev, head of the Rossotrudnichestvo representative office in Uzbekistan.

 “Six years ago, we agreed to set this project. Its implementation started five years ago,” USUE Rector Yakov Silin addressed the graduates. “I would like to thank the students for the choice they made. It is very difficult to follow two programs at the same time. However, now you are in-demand specialists in the labor market of two countries at once - Uzbekistan and Russia. You have all the opportunities in business, government, and public organizations where a sound academic background is required.”

USUE Vice-Rector for Academic Affairs, Teaching Methods and Quality of Training, Dmitry Karkh, emphasized that implementing this bold educational project became possible thanks to the political will of the leaders of the two universities. And he advised the graduates to keep the love for the university in their hearts while wending their ways through life.

Joint programs last four years. USUE teachers spend several weeks a year in Tashkent and hold classes with TSUE students in person. The rest of the time, classes continue remotely. Also, every year students become participants in the Eurasian Economic Youth Forum, and, in 2023, TSUE for the first time became one of the international platforms of the XIII EEYF.

 “Many of today’s graduates took part and won the competitions of the Eurasian Economic Youth Forum. All of them are worthy representatives of their university and will for sure find their place in the labor market,” Ekaterina Yalunina, Director of the USUE Institute of Continuing and Distance Education, is sure. “But I would also like to note today the great work of the teachers. Your knowledge today results from their efforts. And your diplomas are their merit as well!”

Prior to the ceremony, Prof. Dmitry Karkh and Prof. Ekaterina Yalunina were awarded the titles of Emeritus Professor of Tashkent State University of Economics. USUE Rector Yakov Silin was awarded the title of Emeritus Professor of TSUE in 2022.

Besides, the participants of the Ural delegation visited the fir-trees alley, planted on the territory of the university a year ago in honor of the first joint graduation of students, and met with the People’s Artist of Uzbekistan, director of the Uzbek National Academic Drama Theater Yodgor Sagdiyev, whose granddaughter was among today’s graduates.

“She is a very modern young girl. She wants to continue her studies,” explained the patriarch of the Uzbek acting dynasty. “There were no economists in our family as yet. But now they will be!

USUE and TSUE signed an agreement on a joint educational program in 2018. In 2022, the first 127 bachelor graduates received diplomas recognized both in Uzbekistan and in Russia. And last academic year, 450 people have already applied for training under the joint program of TSUE and USUE.

In Tashkent, diplomas were awarded to graduates of the joint educational program of USUE and TSUE.

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