Bows and bouquets are in the past. Now you are a student!

A celebratory assembly dedicated to the Day of Knowledge was held at Ural State University of Economics. This academic year, about 5,000 students will start classes at USUE, including over 1,300 freshers.


On the square in front of USUE, students began to gather long before the start of the assembly. By 10 a.m., the square near the main building was absolutely packed.


“Dear students of Ural State University of Economics, I am glad to congratulate you on the start of the new academic year. Today, USUE opens the door to the active life of our university for first-year students. I hope that serried ranks of students - members of USUE student associations - will be replenished with those who wish to gain valuable knowledge and experience. The faculty of USUE is ready to bring new discoveries in your life. I wish you good luck and prosperity for our university! My congratulations on September 1st!” the rector of USUE Yakov Silin opened the celebratory assembly.


Not only the head of the university congratulated the students on the beginning of a new academic year. Boris Kirillov, Deputy Plenipotentiary Representative of the President of the Russian Federation in the Urals Federal District, addressing the students, said that the current freshers are to be envied: “Dear students, I envy you a little - you have become happy owners of the opportunity to get a higher education at Ural State University of Economics. This is one of the flagships of higher economic education in Russia, which places priority on the development of scientific and social spheres. I wish you spend student years efficiently and with dignity!

Victor Grigoryevich Zhukov, a veteran of the Great Patriotic War, a USUE veteran, a former lecturer of our university, also wished success to students in their studies. President of the Green Ural Foundation, member of the State Council of Ecology and Natural Resources of the Russian Federation, a student of the USUE College Nikita Solovyov also congratulated student peers - those with whom he studies at the same university.

Ten USUE first-year students who scored the most points for the Unified State Examination received student cards from Yakov Silin, rector of Ural State University of Economics.

“It was exciting to receive a student card from the USUE rector: even breathing too loudly or often was scary. But everything went great, and I’m very happy about it! I hope this year will be fruitful and full of exciting acquaintances,” shared her emotions first-year student of the Institute of Public Administration and Law Ekaterina Nikobenko.

Over a thousand freshers gathered today in the square in front of USUE.

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Пресс-служба УрГЭУ

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