USUE Graduates will help develop the space industry of China

A graduate of the Institute of Management and Information Technology of Ural State University of Economics won the grant to do master’s degree at Beijing University of Aeronautics and Astronautics (Вeihang University).
Nikita Dolgoshein graduated from USUE with honors and became the best graduate of 2019 at the Institute. During his studies, Nikita managed to work within his specialty in such large companies as UMMC LLC and Sberbank PJSC, wrote some scientific articles and participated in competitions on programming: together with his team, he took 1st place in university fin CTF, twice participated in international RuCTF. For his active work, he was granted a scholarship of the Government of the Russian Federation.     
At school, Nikita was a “B” student, did not mug up for Unified State Exams, and was going to join the army. The decision to study IT technologies came suddenly: his friends said that specialists in this field made good money. A love of programming arose just while his studying at USUE.
“In my life, there were people who helped me develop and overcome difficulties and I plunged into my specialty. With pleasure I attended classes on cross-platform development, numerical methods, discrete mathematics, speech culture, philosophy, and history. In general, very often I liked most of all those courses at the University whose lecturers were interesting for me.. I would like to thank Yevgeny Kislitsin,” Nikita says.    

The young man submitted an application for a scholarship to the PRC government, not expecting that he would get the grant. However, he did it and had to urgently take an exam in English, because training at the Chinese university will be in English. The USUE graduate will leave for China on September 3, flight tickets being bought. All the the rest will be funded with a scholarship.
“Since childhood, I used to make all the important decisions in life on my own. Of course, my mother will miss me, but in general, my parents support me. In Yekaterinburg, I got bored, it seems to me that here I already know everything; I would like to develop further. Вeihang University has a great influence on Chinese aerospace industry and I would like to essay my powers in this field. As for programming, interesting projects are more important than money for me. Of course, I could sit at some Moscow office and write codes earning high salary, but it's boring. I am grateful to USUE for teaching me to study and to program well,” Nikita continues.
Beijing University of Aeronautics and Astronautics was founded in 1952 through the merger of the aviation departments of Tsinghua University , Xiamen University ,Sichuan University , Yunnan University, and some others. Currently, Вeihang University consists of 17 schools and 6 faculties with the staff of more than 3,300 specialists and 1,400 professors, and with 290 professors at the postgraduate school.          

A graduate of the Institute of Management and Information Technology of Ural State University of Economics won the grant to do master’s degree at Beijing University of Aeronautics and Astronautics (Вeihang University).

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