Best of the best ideas XII EEYF

Materials of the largest EEYF  were published in 3 volumes. Abstracts of the best reports and projects of the participants took almost 1000 pages!

The Ural State Economic University published a collection of materials from the XII Eurasian Economic Youth Forum "Russia and the world in new realities: changing world economic relations", which was held from April 26 to April 29 at USUE. The record forum brought together more than 8,000 participants from Russia and abroad!

The three-volume edition was published in 150 copies. Several copies were transferred to the USUE Information and Library Complex and will be available for reading to library loan users. The collection will also be handed over to the experts of the XII EEYF competition program, honored guests.

A PDF version of the Collection of Materials: the first volume, the second volume, the third volume.

The first volume includes words of welcome to the participants of the forum, reports of the plenary session, texts of open lectures by experts and abstracts of the finalists of the Congress of Management and Law. The second volume presents the abstracts of the finalists of the Congress of Economists and Financiers. The main thoughts of the finalists of the Congress of Entrepreneurship and Engineering and the Congress of Strategists are included in the third volume.

All materials are united by one issue, closely intertwined and allow us to see the world as we know it today. The collection is of particular interest for students involved in research work, undergraduates and graduate students, as well as for a wide youth audience interested in issues of socio-economic development.

EEYF materials have been published. Abstracts of the best reports and projects of the participants took almost 1000 pages!

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