Gluten-free diet for nutritional therapy

In March, employees of the USUE research laboratory carried out research at the request of a fourth-year student of the Institute of Trade, Food Technologies and Service Elizaveta Tyshchenko. The results were included in the scientific paper, which she will report at the X Eurasian Economic Youth Forum.

Together with her academic supervisor, associate professor of the Department of Food Technology   Larisa Lavrova, a student of TVET-15 group Elizaveta Tyshchenko will present her paper “On Replacing Wheat Flour with Gluten-Free Raw Materials” at X EEYF, which will be held at USUE in April. Afterward, she will use the results of her research when writing her diploma thesis “The Use of Gluten-Free Raw Materials in the Production of Farinaceous Dishes”. Since the number of people with gluten intolerance and sensitivity to it does not become less, the importance of developing gluten-free formulas survives. That said, gluten (a type of protein) is contained in usual grain flour and it is a part of bread and numerous flour-based food.

In March, employees of the USUE research laboratory carried out research at the request of a fourth-year student of the Institute of Trade, Food Technologies and Service Elizaveta Tyshchenko. The results were included in the scientific paper, which she will report at the X Eurasian Economic Youth Forum.

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