The Belarusian State Economic University will host the international competition of professional CVs for students of service areas of training -“Formula of Hospitality. HoReCa and Tourism” and the international competition of essays for young scientists and students - “Experience and Challenges in Studying Socio-Economic Systems: Globalization, Entrepreneurship, and Sustainable Economic Growth.”

BSEU will host competitions within the XII Eurasian Economic Youth Forum to be held in April 2022. In September 2021, during a working visit of USUE  Vice-Rector for Social Work, Roman Krasnov, to Minsk university, the parties agreed to work together to organize the upcoming EEYF. It was decided that BSEU would become one of the forum sites, form an expert council, and coordinate the event participants.  

The competition of the Congress of Entrepreneurship and Engineering - “Formula of Hospitality. HoReCa and Tourism" will be held to enhance the professional activities of college and university students, to help them acquire the skills of passing an interview when applying for a job at a tourism and hospitality company in the face of the competitive market. The competition will be organized in the form of essays and CVs of students prepared based on the creative application of knowledge and skills in the areas of professional topics.  

From the program of the Congress of Strategists, they selected the international competition "Experience and Challenges in Studying Socio-Economic Systems: Globalization, Entrepreneurship, and Sustainable Economic Growth", which is aimed at creating a platform for discussion of the issues related to training young professionals, raising interest in their chosen profession, discovering talented young people, and succession pipeline for research, administrative, industrial, and entrepreneurial activities.       

All competitions of the XII Eurasian Economic Youth Forum will be tied to the approved theme of the forum "Russia and the World in New Realities: Changing of World Economic Relations."  You can find the details on the official website of the EEYF

The Belarusian State Economic University will host the international competition of professional CVs for students of service areas of training -“Formula of Hospitality.

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