Ticket to a successful future

At Ural State University of Economics, the graduation ceremony for graduates of the Institute of Continuing and Distance Education (INDO) was held.

Dmitry Karkh, USUE Vice-Rector for Academic Affairs, Teaching Methods and Quality of Training, welcomed the graduates, their parents and teachers: “I congratulate you on a wonderful event that we have been heading for so long. To be an off-campus student is difficult. You need to combine your work, home, and studies. I am sure that the INDO graduates will achieve career growth and will remember Ural State University of Economics.”

Director of the USUE Institute of Continuing and Distance Education Ekaterina Yalunina reminded graduates of the important role of teachers in the learning process: “The academic staff has invested in you a piece of their soul, passing on their knowledge and skills. I wish a diploma from Ural State University of Economics will help you move up the career ladder.”

This year, 916 boys and girls are graduating from the Institute of Continuing and Distance Education. July 5, about five hundred young specialists received diplomas. Of these, over 20 graduated from USUE with honors.

At Ural State University of Economics, the graduation ceremony for graduates of the Institute of Continuing and Distance Education (INDO) was held.

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