Charity action Letter to Mom

From November 1 to 3, 2017, on the eve of the Mother's Day celebration, an annual charity event "Letter to Mom" will be held in Yekaterinburg.

Anyone can write a congratulation on Mother's Day to the closest and dearest person- to one’s mother. Postcards, envelopes, and postage stamps are provided to participants for free.

This year the initiative of USUE volunteers was supported by:

  • Yekaterinburg Committee on Youth Policy,
  • Polzunov Ural State College,
  • UFPS of the Sverdlovsk region - a branch of Russian Post,
  • Koltso Urala Bank,
  • Fan-Fan shopping center
  • KomsoMALL shopping center

Schedule of the action:

November 1, congratulatory cards will be sent by students and staff of Ural State University of Economics, November 2 – by students of Polzunov Ural State CollegeПолзунова..

Volunteers will wait for all comers in the shopping centers of Yekaterinburg from 17:00 to 20:00 on November 2 at FAN-FAN, and November 3 - at KomsoMALL".

From November 1 to 3, 2017, on the eve of the Mother's Day celebration, an annual charity event "Letter to Mom" will be held in Yekaterinburg.

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