Over 1,000 willing to study!

The first Open Day of the current academic year was held at Ural State University of Economics. Applicants and their parents came to learn about changes in admission rules and specifics of studying at USUE.

In the lobbies of the first and second floors of the university main building, they placed information stands of the USUE Institutes and College. There, in an informal atmosphere, university guests could communicate with heads of departments and teachers. Future applicants received first-hand answers to the questions they were most concerned about, such as disciplines taught in different areas of training, the number of state-funded places available, and whether a dormitory is provided.

“I came to the USUE Open Day from Polevskoy to learn more about the profession of an economist. I really enjoyed communicating with the teachers. They warmed me up with their kindness!” Elizaveta Drobysheva, a student at school No. 20 in the city of Polevskoy, shares her impressions.

University staff told guests about the specifics of training at each level of education (college, bachelor’s, master’s, postgraduate). This year, USUE offers 32 bachelor’s degree programs, 2 specialist’s degree areas, 26 master’s programs, 8 postgraduate programs, and 6 college specialties.

Each group was greeted by the Rector of Ural State University of Economics Yakov Silin:

“The university prepares future managers—those who lead teams comprising from a few and to several thousand people. Our level of training and practice allow them to achieve success in a chosen field. Our graduates are welcome at the major enterprises in the Urals and beyond: students from 68 countries come to us to study.”

USUE Vice-Rector for Academic Affairs, Teaching Methods and Quality of Training Dmitry Karkh told schoolchildren and their parents about changes in the admission rules.

“Starting this year, all programs implemented at the university are conducted jointly with employers so that students could adapt to practical activities as soon as possible. To ensure you make no mistake in choosing a profession, I advise you to take the Unified State Exam in four, or even better, five areas. This will make you feel more confident during the admissions campaign, especially if you want to qualify for free tuition. There is still time to February 1 to change the list of exams,” Dmitry Karkh emphasized.

After the official part, the Open Day participants went to interactive master classes.

This year’s first Open Day brought together over 1,000 guests. Detailed information about the features of admission, the number of places and areas of study has already been posted on the USUE website in the Application and Admission section.

The next meeting with future applicants will take place on March 23.

USUE held the first Open Day in 2024

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