Large competition for contract places

The Ural State University of Economics is finishing accepting applications for full-time education. While future bachelors and masters are waiting for the next orders on enrollment, college applicants continue to fight for budget and contract places. At the moment, 1866 school graduates want to get secondary vocational education at USUE.

Yesterday's 9th-graders at USUE have 60 budget places available in four areas of training: "Trade", "Jurisprudence", "Information systems and programming", "Land management". The biggest competition is among future lawyers: 15 people are applying for one budget place. However, there is also a high demand for contract places. Thus, 95 applicants are applying for 10 positions in the "Information systems and programming" direction, that is, almost 10 people per place!

There are no entrance examinations for college applicants, the results of the Basic State Exam are not taken into account. The rating is based on the average grade point average.

“Every year, there are more and more people who want to study at our college. The average grade point average for those admitted in 2023 was 4.8, which means that school graduates with good knowledge and high grades come. We are not chasing quantity, the main thing is the quality of training. In small groups, the teacher can devote more time to each student, the task is to transfer knowledge and experience, and not just give a course of lectures,” said Dmitry Karkh, Vice-Rector for Academic and Methodological Work and Quality of Education at USUE.

Graduates of the 11th grade are also actively considering the option of getting an education at USUE, starting with college. 487 people applied for admission in four areas of training: “Economics and Accounting”, “Commerce”, “Jurisprudence”, “Banking”. And this is despite the fact that there is no “budget”! The number of places for training under a contract is also limited. For example, 5 future lawyers are applying for one position. According to the director of the USUE college, Aleksey Chechulin, the main motivation for applicants to secondary vocational education is a quick entry into the labor market, since the training period is only 1 year and 10 months.

“We are preparing in-demand specialists. The same teachers teach classes as in the bachelor’s degree. We have more than 150 social partners: regional ministries, city administrations, judicial departments, retail chains, banks. They provide internships. 92% of graduates are successfully employed. Many, when they start working, understand what other skills they need to master to build a successful career and continue their studies, returning to USUE to get a higher education. About 50% of our graduates are like this,” Aleksey Chechulin emphasized.

The deadline for accepting documents to the college for full-time and part-time education will be August 15. The lists of admission to the “budget” will be published on August 19.

Almost 2 thousand applicants enter the USUE college

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