More than 3500 research papers were submitted to XI EEYF

The winners and runners-up of research work competitions of the XI Eurasian Economic Youth Forum have been decided. The rector of Ural State University of Economics Yakov Silin presented certificates, prizes, and commemorative tokens to the finalists of the congresses of economists, financiers, service technologies, strategists, and innovators.

“The eleventh EEYF surpassed the previous ones in scale: more than three and a half thousand research papers were submitted to it! USUE continues to be the center of the Eurasian economic youth movement, providing an interesting and attractive environment for uniting students, young scientists, and experts from all over the world. We have the top-rank academic staff, one of the best among Russian universities. Completing this forum, we feel light sadness. I thank everyone who participated in this event and invite you to join the next economic forum. If you did not win today, you will for sure win in the future,” Yakov Silin addressed the contestants. 

The awards ceremonies are over, and we congratulate the winners of the XI EEYF!  

It bears reminding that, as the Governor of the Sverdlovsk region, Yevgeny Kuyvashev, suggested in 2022 the forum may be held at the INNOPROM Platform, which no doubt will make it of wide scale!

The winners and runners-up of research work competitions of the XI Eurasian Economic Youth Forum have been decided. The rector of Ural State University of Economics Yakov Silin presented certificates, prizes, and commemorative tokens to the finalists of the congresses of economists, financiers, service technologies, strategists, and innovators.

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