Borislav Bjelicic: “People in Russia are open to international dialogue”

Every year foreign experts and world-class scientists take part in the Eurasian Economic Youth Forum. This year, in the framework of the Congress of Economists, Dr. Borislav Bjelicic (Mannheim, Baden-Württemberg, Germany) delivered a public lecture at USUE. The distinguished guest told us about his impressions of visiting the capital of the Urals.


Mr. Bielichich, is this your first time on the forum?

- Yes, it is my first visit. I was invited by representatives of Ural State University of Economics.

Would you please share your impressions on the forum? What did you like most?

- This is a large-scale event for students and youth. I want to mention the excellent organization of the forum. There were a lot of interesting reports and experts. I think that all students who attended lectures and contests have learned a lot and gained significant experience.

In your opinion, how sensitive is the topic of the forum for the modern world?

- I think that the topic of trust is interesting for everyone. I was asked to tell students about how to build trust in the field of international economic cooperation. And when I agreed to deliver such a lecture,   first of all,   I myself had to delve deeper into this topic. When I was preparing to speak, I learned a lot for myself. Trust does not arise by itself. It needs to be organized. We have to work on this. This applies to any relationship, to any situation.

And as for Russia, do you think people are open to international dialogue?

- Yes. This is what I particularly like in Russian culture. As a rule, you are open to strangers, to guests. Basically, your actions are driven not by your mind, but by your heart. This is very important for the formation of trust. The whole forum was organized that way: we were welcomed heartily and friendly. And all the speeches of USUE rector Yakov Silin were heartfelt as well.

 In general, I came to the conclusion that the Eurasian Economic Youth Forum was an excellent platform for communication and networking.

Every year foreign experts and world-class scientists take part in the Eurasian Economic Youth Forum. This year, in the framework of the Congress of Economists, Dr. Borislav Bjelicic (Mannheim, Baden-W?rttemberg, Germany) delivered a public lecture at USUE. The distinguished guest told us about his impressions of visiting the capital of the Urals.

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