VII All-Russian Economic Meeting, dedicated to the Economist’s Day, has ended in Moscow. This year, the central topic of discussion was the socialization of the economy and the priorities of Russia’s modern development.

Видеотрансляция VII Всероссийского экономического собрания

Yakov Silin, rector of Ural University of Economics, president of the Ural branch of the Free Economic Society of Russia, took part in the meeting. He emphasized how important a competent economic approach was in the current political situation. The recommendations of leading experts should form the basis of measures to be taken by the government of the country and regions aimed at ensuring stability in society and developing the economy.

The discussion was opened by Sergey Bodrunov, the president of the Free Economic Society of Russia, president of the International Union of Economists, a corresponding member of the Russian Academy of Sciences. He noted that despite the sanctions the Russian economy did not suffer as much as Western experts had predicted: “Last month, the World Bank improved the estimate of the decline in the Russian economy in 2022 by almost two times - from 8.9% to 4.5%. “The system has showed stability despite all the pressure,” Sergey Bodrunov said. “However, several problems are quite acute. Real incomes of Russians have decreased, inflation, on the contrary, has grown by 12%. We haven’t seen such figures for a long time. But the economic situation of a country directly depends on the ability of its population to buy. Unfortunately, this problem cannot be solved only by the efforts of the government. And this brings us to the topic of today’s discussion - the social economy as a factor in the development of the entire Russian society.

The participants engaged in the discussion were Sergei Glazyev, Minister in charge of Integration and Macroeconomics of the Eurasian Economic Commission., Alexander Shirov, director of the Institute of the RAS Economic Forecasting, Alexey Vedev, head of the Financial Research Laboratory at the E.T. Gaidar Institute, Mikhail Golovnin, director of the RAS Institute of Economics, Ruslan Grinberg, Vice President of the VEO of Russia, and Andrei Klepach, chief economist of the state development corporation VEB. RF.

VII All-Russian Economic Meeting, dedicated to the Economist’s Day, has ended in Moscow

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