
Doctor of Geographical Sciences, Honored Scientist of the Russian Federation, Advisor to the Rector of USUE, Professor Evgeniy Animitsa was recognized as the winner of the All-Russian competition “Golden Names of Higher School” in the category “For the training of scientific and teaching personnel.”


In 2023, the organizing committee of the “Golden Names of Higher School” competition received 1,391 applications from all regions of the country. The competition is aimed at improving the status of the university teaching profession. Representatives of the teaching staff who have shown outstanding achievements in the educational process, training of graduate students and doctoral students, using innovative methods and approaches, take part in it. All this, undoubtedly, applies to Evgeniy Georgievich Animitsa, who for 61 years has remained one of the luminaries of the Ural higher school.

Evgeniy Georgievich was born on September 29, 1937 in the village of Maloyanisol (a suburb of Mariupol) into a family of rural teachers. In 1961 he graduated from Rostov State University (now Southern Federal University) and ended up in the Urals by assignment. He began his career at the Sverdlovsk Institute of National Economy (SINH) in 1967 at the Department of Economic Geography, which is now known as the Department of Regional and Municipal Economics and Management.


In 1988, Evgeniy Animitsa headed the department. Under his leadership, in 2009, the department was recognized as the best in the “Economics” category of the first All-Russian competition “Best Economic Department”, held by the Free Economic Society of Russia. In 2016, the department won the All-Russian competition of departments and educational programs “Economics and Management – 2016” in the category “Regional Economics and Management”.

Professor Animitsa is one of the leading scientists in Russia. He published over 600 scientific papers, including more than 60 monographs, which formed the basis of the Ural scientific school of regional economics. The latest collective monograph with his participation, “Circular Economy: Ensuring Sustainable Development and Competitiveness of the Region,” was published in December 2022.

Over the years of work, Evgeniy Georgievich trained 42 candidates and 14 doctors of science. Also, under his leadership, more than 40 master's qualification theses were completed. Today his students are heads of cities and regions of the Russian Federation, rectors of universities, deans and directors of institutes. Many of them are developing modern, promising approaches to regional economics, based on the scientific premises laid down by their teacher.

As the winner of the competition, Professor Animitsa will be included in the annual Book of Honor of university teachers of the Russian Federation, will become the owner of a commemorative badge and will be awarded with gratitude from the Ministry of Higher Education and Science of the Russian Federation. The award ceremony will take place in December 2023 in Moscow. 

“Golden Names of Higher School” is an All-Russian competition organized by the Interregional public organization “League of Higher School Teachers” with the support of the Presidential Grants Fund and the Russian Ministry of Education and Science. The project started in 2017. During its existence, more than 5 thousand teachers took part in it.

The USUE team congratulates Evgeniy Georgievich on his well-deserved victory!

The name of Professor Evgeniy Animitsa will be inscribed in the Book of Honor of University Teachers of the Russian Federation

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