Through professional self-awareness — to professionalism

Discussions at the Innoprom-2022, in which USUE scientists took part as experts, were dedicated to the issues of human resources, the development of a professional personality, and increasing productivity, including through digitalization.

July 6, the Innoprom exhibition hosted the Coordinating Council of the Sverdlovsk region Government on staffing the economy of the Sverdlovsk region moderated by Tatyana Kansafarova, Vice-President of the regional Union of industrialists and Entrepreneurs, associate professor at the USUE Department of Labor Economics and HR Management. The key theme of the Council meeting was “Vocational guidance: professional self-determination, professional self-awareness and the way to professionalism.”

Svetlana Dolzhenko, a member of the Coordinating Council, head of the USUE Department of Labor Economics and HR Management, noted: “Career guidance is of great importance today, everyone is involved in career guidance: universities, relevant ministries, the Department of Labor and Employment of the Sverdlovsk region, as well as business and professional communities. And the principal task, in our opinion, is to set a single information platform in the region that would provide our youth and their parents with visual, summary information about career guidance opportunities!”

Speakers and participants of the discussion The world of labor in the 21st century, digitalization in labor relations and its impact on labor productivity” were lecturers from the USUE Department of Labor Economics and HR Management.

It should be noted that the USUE Department of Labor Economics and HR Management is known in Russia for its expertise in labor economics and is one of the developers of the professional standard for a specialist in labor economics. Taking into account this standard, since 2018, the department has been implementing a unique master’s program in Human Resource Economics (HR-Business partner)” ( ).

Discussions at the Innoprom-2022, in which USUE scientists took part as experts, were dedicated to the issues of human resources, the development of a professional personality, and increasing productivity, including through digitalization.

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