The Higher League games of the Russian Women's Chess Championship have finished in Sochi.We congratulate a USUE College student and world chess champion Leya Garifullina on her victory!
All chess fans of the Sverdlovsk region pulled for the young star, the world champion among girls, a USUE College student Leya Garifullina playing in the Higher League of the Russian. Leya faced off against well-known chess players, international grandmasters and masters, including those from the Russian national team. She passed this exam with honor, despite her young age - 14 years!

At first, she made two draws, and then she won. In the fifth round, Leya had to compete with the three-time champion of Russia and Europe, grandmaster Valentina Gunina. They handled a difficult variation of the Sicilian Defense. At one point, Leya sacrificed a piece, then won it back, but lost a pawn. However, black pieces took active squares. After the 22nd Black's move, Leya exchanged White's active rook and levelled the positions. After that exchange, Leya played without mistakes and even the computer had nothing to reproach her with. Black centralized all the pieces, and Leya outplayed her famous opponent with an accurate play. A brilliant game and a confident win!

By the way, that was the only failure for Valentina; she won all the other games. Now, Leya had to fulfil the second task. She needed to get into the top five to reach the Super League. And yes, Leya coped with this task: no one could beat her!
We congratulate Leya and her coach Andrey Shariyazdanov with a brilliant win and wish them success in the Super League!

The Higher League games of the Russian Women's Chess Championship have finished in Sochi.We congratulate a USUE College student and world chess champion Leya Garifullina on her victory!

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