Digitalization of energy: prospects and directions

The roundtable held at USUE discussed some issues of housing and communal services. One of the main topics was "Actual problems of housing and communal services digitalization." Representatives of business, non-governmental organizations and academic circles of Yekaterinburg and Sverdlovsk region took part in the discussion.

The meeting was opened by deputy chairperson of the Sverdlovsk Regional Energy Commission Alexei Obukhov. He specified that the digital economy was a commercial activity, which included online services, online stores, information sites that earn on advertising, and other activities. Therefore, one of the main lines of digital economy development is a quick and easy provision of services via Internet.

This topic was developed in the speech delivered by the chair of the USUE Department of Department of Economics of Housing, Communal Services and Energy Galina Astratova, who noted that plans for the development of the digital economy were being actively developed throughout Russia. Housing and utility sector is one of the most important areas in which, according to experts, the digital transformation of the Russian economy should begin.

During the discussion, the participants of the roundtable highlighted that the transition from automation of business processes of housing and communal services to IoT technologies will allow forming a single information space of the industry. And it will create IT systems to inform customers and process their data.

It was noted that in Yekaterinburg the degree of digitization was quite high. This area is being developed in Academichesky and Linenergo housing management companies, which allows residents to save on housing and communal services.

The participants mentioned the aspects that should help the development of this area. "Many of our technological and economic decisions will contain the legacy of the past, so the revolution should occur in the minds of people," commented Galina Astratova. "Besides it is necessary to change business models and to work actively and efficiently in this direction."

The roundtable raised the issues of training specialists in a context of economy digitalization. Ural State University of Economics plans to increase the number of specialists related to IT technologies.

“One year ago, our department and the Academichesky united in a specialized department. We have a lot of plans. We are going to continue to teach students and, of course, our program includes disciplines relating to business technologies built on digitalization," Galina Astratova said.

The roundtable held at USUE discussed some issues of housing and communal services. One of the main topics was "Actual problems of housing and communal services digitalization." Representatives of business, non-governmental organizations and academic circles of Yekaterinburg and Sverdlovsk region took part in the discussion.

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