Cosmonautics Day at the Department of Physics and Chemistry

April 12, the USUE Department of Physics and Chemistry organized and conducted an educational and scientific KVN-like game dedicated to the 57th anniversary of the first human flight into space. The game was attended by students of three first-year groups of the USUE Institute of Trade, Food Technologies and Service.

The teams "Black Hole" (UK-17 group), "Tpopchiki" (TPOP-17 group), and "Tieshki" (TiE-17 group). After a brief presentation of the teams and voicing their mottoes, a traditional competition of captains was held. The team leaders Dmitry Trufanyuk ("Tieshki"), Alexander Benz ("Tropchiki") and Alexei Terekhov ("Black Hole") competed in wit and repartee with the active support of their groups. Then, the students performed tasks that required certain knowledge, erudition and wits: they solved crossword puzzles and anagrams.


The contest "That’s Not Possible!" caused a real interest. The students were offered photographs depicting the phenomena "occurring" on various planets, and it was necessary to determine why these phenomena could take place in reality. One  should apply cleverness and knowledge of the laws of planets rotation when solving the problem of the coordinated motion of two satellites.

 There was also a traditional competition of artists “April 12, 2061”. The students presented their vision for a not so distant future: flights of tourist interplanetary vehicles (V. Mekhontsev and Yu. Kareva, “Tpopchiki “), a meeting with space brothers (P. Kolosova and D. Borodina, “Black Hole”), the celebration of the Cosmonautics Day with its constant attribute - Gagarin’s smile (A. Sennikova and E. Dyuryagina, “Tieshki“). The last contest dipped all the participants in the magical world of music: the students were offered fragments of musical accompaniment of famous feature films, directly or indirectly related to the theme of cosmos and had to determine the corresponding film. In that, all the teams were at their best.

 The competent jury (associate professors at the Department of physics and chemistry I. Gordeeva, N. Sudakov, and B. Bortnik) has summed up and announced the results, having distributed three places between the teams “Tieshki”, “Black Hole” and “Tpopchiki”, respectively. All teams received sweet “stars”, the biggest went to “Tieshki”. The main result of the event is the students’ interest in space and pride for their country, which paved the way for mankind into space.

April 12, the USUE Department of Physics and Chemistry organized and conducted an educational and scientific KVN-like game dedicated to the 57th anniversary of the first human flight into space. The game was attended by students of three first-year groups of the USUE Institute of Trade, Food Technologies and Service.

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