A dialogue on equals

The key event of the second day of the XI EEYF was the meeting of ambassadors and students “A Dialogue On Equals”. One of the moderators of the event, Natalia Maslakova-Clauberg, a consultant for international cooperation at the Institute of World Civilizations of the Diplomatic Academy of the Russian Foreign Ministry, noted that this topic was chosen not by chance, since the UN Secretary-General,  Mr. António Guterres, regularly urges to carry out a constant dialogue not only between countries but also between generations. 

Vladimir Kuznetsov, director of the UN Information Center in Moscow, addressed the participants in the dialogue: “First of all, I would like to note that the forum is a truly international event, and I am very glad that the UN presence at this event is expanding. It is crucially important that the forum is addressed to the younger generation. To build a comfortable and safe world, it is important to fulfill the goals set out in the Sustainable Development Agenda 2030.”

Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of the Republic of Portugal to Russia, Mr. Paulo Vizeu Pinheiro, and Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of the Republic of Yemen to the Russian Federation, Mr. Ahmed Salem Al-Wahishi spoke with students about the priority, in their opinion, sectors of the world economy. Mr. Pinheiro said: “All of you dream of a wonderful future. And while building it, please prioritize two areas of the economy: environmental friendliness and digitalization."

And Mr. Al- Wahishi said: “I call on everyone present here today to pay close attention to the problem of global warming. This problem is of great importance for the younger generation. A green economy is an important part of your future."

USUE Rector, Prof. Yakov Silin, noted that today's dialogue was a conversation aimed at the future. “Today, we are talking on equal terms about common challenges. We are different, but we are not strangers. Russia is huge, kind, and strong, but always is a country that knows how to be friends,” Yakov Petrovich added.

At the end of the event, Chargé d'Affaires of the Embassy of the Republic of Ecuador in Russia, Mr. Jorge Patricio Palacios, presented a UrFU Master's student Katharina Pamandе with a certificate for an original approach to the international collaboration of banking research: a case study of the Central Bank of Ecuador, submitted for the Debut-Prospect contest of practice-oriented projects, held within the XI Eurasian Youth Forum.

The key event of the second day of the XI EEYF was the meeting of ambassadors and students “A Dialogue On Equals”. One of the moderators of the event, Natalia Maslakova-Clauberg, a consultant for international cooperation at the Institute of World Civilizations of the Diplomatic Academy of the Russian Foreign Ministry, noted that this topic was chosen not by chance, since the UN Secretary-General, Mr. António Guterres, regularly urges to carry out a constant dialogue not only between countries but also between generations.

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