On the eve of the Eurasian Economic Youth Forum, USUE experts analyzed statistical data on the relations of the Sverdlovsk region with the countries of the Arab world, one of the most promising regions in the world. It is with these countries that the most intensive dynamics of cooperation are noted.
In addition to industrial products, economic relations are largely formed with the service sector. However, this area, unfortunately, is more difficult to measure due to the lack of statistical data. However, the export of educational services is quite measurable.
Moreover, the export of educational services shows a considerable increase. If in 2016, 3 992 students studied in the Sverdlovsk region, in 2018, they were already 5 413. According to our estimates, the contribution of international students to the economy of the Sverdlovsk region is about 1.3 billion rubles. 

At USUE alone, more than 200 students and students of the preparatory faculty are from Arab countries and 75 % of them are Egyptians. What is more, the number of international students from Arab countries is constantly increasing. 

Despite the significant potential, as of the end of 2020, the share of 15 Arab countries amounted to only 9% in the structure of the Sverdlovsk region trade turnover. Nevertheless, it is necessary to note the positive dynamics of trade with Arab countries. If in 2015 it amounted to USD 134.4 million (5.3% of the total trade turnover of the Sverdlovsk region), in 2020, it was already USD 1.1 billion. Thus, from 2015 to 2020, the trade turnover increased 8.1 times.          
USUE annually hosts the Eurasian Economic Youth Forum, which is attended by Arab countries officials: ambassadors and advisers to diplomatic missions. The forum goal is to promote the development of cultural and economic relations with various countries and with Arab countries in particular. A significant number of investment projects are being implemented in Arab countries and we hope that such projects as the Eurasian Economic Youth Forum and the export of education will help enterprises of the Sverdlovsk region build relationships with partners from this region. 

On the eve of the Eurasian Economic Youth Forum, USUE experts analyzed statistical data on the relations of the Sverdlovsk region with the countries of the Arab world, one of the most promising regions in the world. It is with these countries that the most intensive dynamics of cooperation are noted.

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