Two for a one diploma!

The First graduates of the joint bachelors educational program of the Ural State University of Economics and the Tashkent State University of Economics have received their diplomas a few days ago. The award ceremony took place at TSUE with the participation of USUE rector Yakov Silin.

The delegation of the Ural State University of Economics arrived at TSUE not only to participate in the graduation ceremony, but also to communicate with students. USUE was represented by Rector Yakov Silin, Vice-Rector for Teaching and Methodological Work and Quality of Education Dmitry Karkh, Director of the Institute of Continious and Distance Education Ekaterina Yalunina and Advisor to the Rector for Patriotic Education Sergey Voronin.

Tashkent State University of Economics was represented by the rector Kongratbai Sharipov , Vice-Rector for Academic Affairs Mansur Eshov , Vice-Rector for Research and Innovation Gulnora Abdurakhmanov .


On the eve of the solemn presentation of double diplomas, the heads of universities signed an agreement on training of the personnel in the 2023-2024 academic year. TSUE students will be able to enter ICDE (INDO) of USUE in the areas of "Economics" and "Management" both in undergraduate and graduate programs.

The agreement on cooperation in the parallel learning of USUE educational programs by TSUE students was signed in August 2018. And today 129 bachelors in economics have received double diplomas.

The number of students who completed their studies at USUE and TSUE in the field of "Corporate Economics and Business Management" - 28 students; "Economics and Project Management" - 29 students, one of whom finished with honors; "International Commerce" - 46 students; "Management of small business" - 26 students.

“We are training personnel for two states that have long-standing and strong relations, including economic ones. You are a vivid example of the fact that education has no boundaries. We are proud of you, we wish you success and personal growth!” - Yakov Silin admonished the bachelors.

Graduates thanked the Ural State University of Economics for the quality organization of the educational process, the friendly attitude of teachers, as well as for the knowledge and skills gained. In addition, they expressed gratitude to the rector of USUE for the opportunity to participate in the XII Eurasian Economic Youth Forum and a workshop with visits to large enterprises of the Urals in the spring of 2022.

USUE vice-rector for educational and methodological work and quality of education Dmitry Karkh and USUE ICDE (INDO) director Ekaterina Yaunina held a meeting with TSUE 2nd and 3rd year students, answered their questions on the organization of the educational process, preparation for the examination session.

At the same time, representatives of TSUE awarded the rector of USUE Yakov Silin the title of honored professor of the Tashkent State University of Economics.

TSUE is one of the strongest economic universities in Uzbekistan, has more than 100 international agreements and actively cooperates with higher educational institutions in dozens of countries around the world. Participates in the project of modernization of the system of higher education in Central Asia using new technologies HiEdTech ( Erasmus +).

More than 100 professors, teachers, researchers, students and employees of the university annually take part in international trainings and internships within exchange programs.

The first graduates of USUE and TSUE joint undergraduate programs received diplomas.

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