Director of the Department of Higher Education, Ministry of Education of Equatorial Guinea arrived at USUE

Director of the Department of Higher Education at the Ministry of Education of Equatorial Guinea Teodoro Ondo Mba met with the top management of the University and discussed further cooperation.

During the meeting, USUE Rector Yakov Silin with Teodoro Ondo Mba reached agreements on further development of mutual relations and joint activities.

It should be noted that cooperation with Equatorial Guinea began in 2013 when the country’s president received the title of Honorary Professor. Through a systematic cooperation with the Ministry of Education and Science of Equatorial Guinea, students from that country annually arrive to study at USUE.

In 2017-2018 academic year 13 people from Equatorial Guinea, Senegal and Cameroon entered the USUE preparatory faculty. Besides classes, during the year foreign students will become acquainted with museums, theaters, and important historical places of the city. Therefore, in October they will visit the theater, the museum of writers, P. Bazhov museum, Ganina Yama, and the Holy Royal Martyrs monastery.

Today students from 32 countries of the world study at the University and this number is growing. Currently, USUE has 109 agreements on international cooperation with foreign institutions. Inter-university agreements have been signed and are being implemented with educational institutions in 29 countries, including universities in Kazakhstan, Germany, France, China, South Korea, Belarus and other countries.

Director of the Department of Higher Education at the Ministry of Education of Equatorial Guinea Teodoro Ondo Mba met with the top management of the University and discussed further cooperation.

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