Rector of USUE Yakov Silin conducted a traditional encounter for the freshmen enrolling in the USUE College in relation to the educational system. “Be prepared to study hard with the main goal of getting the benefit of education for yourself. You did not just enrolled in a college; you are getting education in the University. Keep track of the schedule. Those, who do not study now, will find difficulties in trying to make up for the lost ground. We would like to see all the students, who are studying at the moment, to successfully graduate from college. You will not only be getting theoretical knowledge, be also prepared to become leaders. Right now, you need to focus on managing the teams. In the first place, you have to practice discipline.

Discipline is a key quality of the leader. Your behavior shows your family culture. It is important that you find common language with your professors. We are interested in you fastest adaptation and concentration on the studies. Use the opportunities that the university provides for you, both in educational and scientific activities, in sports and creative associations, in social work”, concluded Yakov Silin, the Rector of USUE.

Rector of USUE Yakov Silin conducted a traditional encounter for the freshmen enrolling in the USUE College in relation to the educational system. “Be prepared to study hard with the main goal of getting the benefit of education for yourself.

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