Discussing human problems

Ural State University of Economics hosted the meeting of the Eurasian Research Institute of Man (ENIICH) on "Man and Society: Results and Perspectives of Interaction".

The event gathered authoritative participants: scientists, public figures, writers, university professors, officials of government bodies, and members of the clergy. In a welcoming speech, the Metropolitan of Tashkent and Uzbekistan Vikenty noted that a large-scale information war had been launched against our society. In particular, such concepts as family and gender, which at all times were the foundation of any society, are leveled out.

The authors of other reports raised the problem of Internet addiction: the virtual reality takes a heavy toll on the behavior and moral image of Russians, especially in the youth environment. "People are now almost born with a smartphone," said Natalia Verbitskaya, faculty member of the Ural State Forest Engineering University. “For a child who has been playing gadgets since childhood, the virtual world is quite real.”

The problem of younger generation upbringing found a lively response among the participants of the event. President of the Eurasian Research Institute of Man Valery Chereshnev summarized the speeches by the following statement, "If you want to invent something new, look into an old book."

At the end of the meeting, the participants suggested publishing a collection of reports. This will make it possible to convey the main theses of speeches to a wide audience.

The climax of the meeting was the award ceremony. Nine participants of the event were awarded the Order of V.I. Vernadsky, three - medals of M.V. Lomonosov. A few more guests were awarded the Certificates of Appreciation from Perm Federal Research Center of the Ural Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences.

Ural State University of Economics hosted the meeting of the Eurasian Research Institute of Man (ENIICH) on "Man and Society: Results and Perspectives of Interaction".

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