Days of scientific films will be held at USUE

October 27, within the framework of the Days of Popular Science Films FANK (Russian abbreviation for Festival of Contemporary Popular Science Films), with the support of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation, a screening of the popular science film "THROUGH THE WORMHOLE" was held at Ural State University of Economics.

The famous actor Morgan Freeman was trying to solve various mysteries of humanity, the essence of man, and much more. The episode considered a theory that the Universe is a well-designed video game.

The chair of the Department of Business Informatics Dmitry Nazarov with members of the Council of Young Scientists held a discussion on the topic "Could our world really be modeled on a computer?"

"We are delighted to host the Days of Popular Science Films at our University for the second year in a row. We looked forward to this year program of films to select the most interesting and suitable films for us. Days of scientific films are held in the format of a social franchise. This project was established in order to introduce modern popular science films to as many viewers as possible, to awaken their interest in science, and perhaps inspire their own research," Olga Ergunova, the organizer of the Days of Popular Science Films at USUE, says.

The schedule of film screenings  at USUE (Rosatom Information Center):

  • 17 November 16.00 ARTUR EKERT.A MODEL KIT
  • 15 December 16.00 THE THEORY OF EVERYTHING

Free admission.

October 27, within the framework of the Days of Popular Science Films FANK (Russian abbreviation for Festival of Contemporary Popular Science Films), with the support of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation, a screening of the popular science film "THROUGH THE WORMHOLE" was held at Ural State University of Economics

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