September 3, a video connection was set between state economic universities of Yekaterinburg and Tashkent. An online meeting of rectors, vice-rectors, and heads of institutes and departments of the universities was dedicated to Knowledge Day and Independence Day of Uzbekistan.

The meeting began with an exchange of greetings between USUE rector Yakov Silin and TSUE rector (Tashkent State University of Economics)  Kongratboy Sharipov . Yakov Silin, on behalf of the entire USUE team, thanked Tashkent colleagues for good and promising cooperation, congratulated them on the 29th anniversary of the independence of the Republic of Uzbekistan, wished them all the best, good health, and prosperity, and expressed hope for many years of cooperation.   

 Vice-rector for Academic Affairs, Teaching Methods and Quality of Training Dmitry Karkh and adviser to the rector for patriotic education, Hero of the Russian Federation Sergey Voronin congratulated Tashkent colleagues on the Independence Day of Uzbekistan and Knowledge Day on behalf of USUE. They said that they felt pride in the friendship of the University with Uzbekistan and expressed gratitude for the timely assistance and organization of joint work.   
The online event was hosted by TSUE students: they recited poems about their native republic, sang songs in Uzbek and Russian. The meeting participants were shown a video about the life of USUE and TSUE students. The students concluded the festive business meeting with the words: "We do not say goodbye but we say: Until we meet again!"

September 3, a video connection was set between state economic universities of Yekaterinburg and Tashkent. An online meeting of rectors, vice-rectors, and heads of institutes and departments of the universities was dedicated to Knowledge Day and Independence Day of Uzbekistan.

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