Several dozen applicants  and their parents became the guests of USUE on the first  day of the enrollment campaign 2021 - 2022. 

Applicants again got the opportunity to bring documents to the admissions committee in person and be acquainted with the University administration. 

The University plans to admit 5.5 thousand students at all levels and forms of education. 
This year, the University offers 283 statefinanced openings at bachelor’s degree programs in 20 areas of training.

“We finished the outgoing academic year with new hopes, and the day has come, which the graduates of high schools and colleges, their parents, and the entire team of Ural State University of Economics have been looking forward to! I thank everyone who worked throughout the year to prepare for the start of a new season. I hope it will be successful and I wish everyone good luck! Welcome!" USUE rector Yakov Silin greeted the guests.

We would like to remind you that you can submit documents through your account on the USUE website, as well as through the Portal of Government Services and the Russian Post. Please note that the admissions committee does not accept documents without a certificate of secondary education

Several dozen applicants and their parents became the guests of USUE on the first day of the enrollment campaign 2021 - 2022.

Пресс-служба УрГЭУ

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