Welcome, dear applicants!

Today, Ural State University of Economics began accepting documents from applicants. The admissions office opened at 10 a.m. sharp.

USUE Rector Yakov Silin and USUE Vice-Rector for Learning Support and Quality of Training, Dmitry Karkh, in the hall of the university main building, where the Admissions Office is located, cut the red ribbon solemnly launching the 57th enrollment campaign in the university’s history.

“Today, the enrollment campaign has started at all universities in the country. Hundreds and thousands of applicants will come to USUE to submit documents. Our staff and students will help you decide on an area of training. Good luck to you!”, USUE Rector Yakov Silin greeted the applicants.

Those wishing to enter Ural State University of Economics came to the university even before the Admissions Committee began its work. One of them was Polina Stupnitskaya from Pervouralsk who graduated from a pedagogical college, and now hopes to enter USUE to major in Law.

“I have many friends who graduated from USUE, and they spoke very well about the teachers, studies and atmosphere at the university. Therefore, without hesitation, I chose this university. I am sure that here I will both make new useful contacts and gain a lot of knowledge that will be of use to me in my professional activities,” Polina said.

Another applicant, Ezeoghene Miracle Egbedi, has grandiose plans. The girl came from Nigeria and plans to study International Business at the USUE Institute of Master’s Degree Programs to become an entrepreneur in the future.

“My friends recommended USUE. At USUE, I took preparatory courses in Russian for foreign citizens, and I know for sure there is an excellent education system here. Ezeoghene Miracle says, “Now I have an English exam ahead because I want to master the International Business program, which they will teach in this language.”

This year, at USUE there are 20 areas of training for bachelor’s degree, two areas for specialist’s degree, 10 - for master’s degree, 3  - at postgraduate school and 6 areas of training at USUE college. In total, there are 69 educational programs. You can submit documents for admission in several ways: by coming to the university in person, by sending data through the portal of Government Services or Applicant’s Personal Account on the university website, or by mailing documents by Russian Post.

“To have a variety of ways to submit documents is right, I think,” says Irina Martyanova, head of the USUE Admissions and Pre-University Training Office. “However, though an applicant could carefully read the admission rules, questions may always arise. An applicant can ask these, of course, by e-mail or by calling the call center of the Admissions Committee, but the highest quality was and remains personal communication: university specialists will immediately look at the package of documents, explain everything, give advice, and support - this significantly reduces the level of anxiety and allows you to avoid mistakes.

Over 30 student volunteers have already begun working at the Admissions Office together with university teachers and specialists. Throughout the summer, while the campaign is underway, they will help applicants fill out documents and will answer their questions.

The enrollment campaign for a full-time mode of study will last until August 20. You can find more information about admission rules, number of places, and much more in the “Application and Admission” section.

The enrollment campaign - 2024 has started at USUE.

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