Associate Professor of the USUE Department of Civil Law was honored with Commendation from the Minister of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation

Elena Elfimova, associate professor of the USUE Department of Civil Law, retired Colonel of the Police, took first place in the contest "Best Research Work on Improving Activities of the Internal Affairs Bodies of the Russian Federation".

Elena Elfimova was honored with the Commendation of the Minister of the Interior of the Russian Federation for her research paper "Use of Police Measures to Ensure Administrative Proceedings in Public Order Maintenance."

We congratulate Elena Elfimova and wish her further creative successes, good luck in all undertakings and realization of the set goals and tasks!

Elena Elfimova, associate professor of the USUE Department of Civil Law, retired Colonel of the Police, took first place in the contest "Best Research Work on Improving Activities of the Internal Affairs Bodies of the Russian Federation".

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