Additional professional education at USUE

Today, to succeed as a specialist and as a person, sometimes, it is not enough to get one degree. The opportunity to increase one’s competitiveness in the labor market is provided by supplementary education programs implemented at USUE. Upon completion of the training, the students receive duly executed documents corresponding to the current legislation of the Russian Federation.

Institute of additional vocational education

All programs of the USUE Institute of Continuing Professional Education are designed for students with completed higher or secondary vocational education in any specialty.

«Business Value Estimation». The program is of particular interest for graduate students. Thanks to the additional knowledge gained in the valuation of enterprises (business), graduates will have obvious starting advantages with an early employment.

«Psychology for Life». The participants of the program have a unique opportunity to quickly master the maximum set of skills to effectively solve personal and professional problems. Classes are held in a free, friendly, and, most importantly, psychologically safe atmosphere, which makes it possible to clarify and solve their problems.

«Financial Management». This program is of particular interest for graduate students. Thanks to the additional knowledge gained in the field of financial management, graduates will have obvious starting advantages with an early employment.

«Economics and Management of the Operation, Repair and Maintenance of an Apartment Building». The program consists of three modules, aimed at achieving an appropriate learning outcome: competence, practical focus on real situations that arise in the management companies and the flexibility of the program allows to take into account the peculiarities of the housing sector, in which graduates work.

«Economics and Enterprise Management». The program is of particular interest for graduate students who through additional knowledge in economics and business management will have obvious starting advantages with an early employment.

«Foreign Language Interpreter in Professional Communication». It allows generating a professional level of a business foreign language proficiency, enabling each graduate to use the skills acquired as a tool for professional applications.


Institute of State and Municipal Management

The program of additional professional education for advanced training «Economics and Management of Energy Efficiency of Enterprises and Organizations in the Field of Housing and Communal Services» is designed for managers and specialists of construction and industrial complexes, municipal services, municipal employees, government officials, specialists in consumer services, housing management, management of an apartment building, operation and maintenance of an apartment building, and in formation of prices and tariffs for works and services in housing and communal services.

Main sections of the educational program: 

  1. Peculiarities of modern development of housing and communal services in Russia and abroad.
  2. Innovations of legislation on energy saving in housing and communal services.
  3. Peculiarities of tariffs formation and regulation for utilities.
  4. Economic aspects of the activities of resource-supplying organizations of housing and communal services. Contractual relations between managers and resource-supplying organizations. Transition to direct settlements for utilities.
  5. The urgency of the implementation of energy-saving measures by a consumer and resource-supplying organization as a tool to reduce energy costs.
  6. Development of energy saving programs in the sphere of housing and communal services.
  7. Estimation of economic efficiency of energy saving measures.

The program was developed with the participation of highly qualified teachers of USUE departments with the involvement of the officers of the Ministry of Energy and Housing and Communal Services of the Sverdlovsk region, the Ministry of State Property Management of the Sverdlovsk region, and practicing specialists in the field of economics and management of operation, maintenance and servicing of apartment buildings/


Center for Parallel and Additional Professional Education for Students

In the Center for Parallel and Additional Professional Education, applicants and students receiving secondary vocational and (or) higher education are provided with a wide range of opportunities to participate in the formation of their own educational trajectory.

Simultaneous (parallel) acquisition of additional and basic educational programs

Additional programs at the Center for Parallel and Additional Vocational Education are implemented in the form of short courses, information and consulting seminars and conferences, master classes, trainings, courses for mastering additional skills and competencies, courses of advanced study of subjects, as well as in other forms provided for by additional program. Additional programs are designed to improve existing skills and to acquire additional skills in a professional field.

At the moment, the most popular programs are the «Basic Course of Foreign Language (English, French, German) with elements of business communication», «English for Beginners», «Chinese for Beginners», computer courses, courses on organization and management of financial and economic activity, legal regulation of economic activity, and others.


Educational Computer Center

Arena Center is one of the educational areas of the University, the leader in computer education. In Yekaterinburg, the computer center was opened in 2007 at Ural State University of Economics.

The USUE educational computer center (Arena Center) employs teachers who meet high professional standards. All of them are IT-specialists of high qualification. Arena Center serves a variety of courses in 56 areas: graphic design, video production, website development, 3D-graphics, animation, website promotion, SEO, and SMM. In addition, if you find it difficult to understand the material, you can re-course free. 68% graduates of the center obtain employment.

Arena Center also conducts classes at the USUE children’s computer school. The Center trains children aged 7 to 15 years wishing to master such areas as computer graphics, photo processing, web technologies, 3D modeling, and PC architecture.

Training will allow to form skills of creation of advertising and presentation projects, to invent collages, to process photos, and to create own sites. Children’s computer school works from June to August.

Today, to succeed as a specialist and as a person, sometimes, it is not enough to get one degree. The opportunity to increase one’s competitiveness in the labor market is provided by supplementary education programs implemented at USUE. Upon completion of the training, the students receive duly executed documents corresponding to the current legislation of the Russian Federation.

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