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The Higher Attestation Commission under the RF Ministry of Education and Science added the journal Digital Models and Solutions of Ural State University of Economics to their list of publications. This means that articles published in the journal will be taken into account by members of dissertation councils when deciding whether to award applicants for the PhD academic degree.

The journal was founded in 2017 and was named e-FORUM in honor of the Eurasian Economic Youth Form. The publication covered issues of economics, management, and trade. In 2022, the editorial team decided to change the concept of the journal. It focused on information technologies as attention to IT solutions and artificial intelligence in economy was constantly growing. The first issue of Digital Models and Solutions was published in July 2022.

“I am grateful to rector Yakov Petrovich Silin, who supported our proposal to set a specialized scientific publication of USUE dedicated to digital issues. This decision, aimed at strengthening the university’s research capacity in the digital economy, turned out to be timely and far-sighted. Now, the Higher Attestation Commission under the Ministry of Education and Science of Russia has confirmed the high level of quality of this journal, its publications, and the effectiveness of the work of the editorial board. I am sincerely grateful to all colleagues for their joint work. It’s very nice when an idea turns into a project, and a project brings a worthy result, which will further expand the publication capabilities of USUE scientists and strengthen the scientific potential of our university,” Victor Kovalev, the editor-in-chief of the journal, USUE vice-rector for research, said.

Today, the journal has several permanent sections, including “System Analysis”, “Management, Information Processing and Artificial Intelligence”, “Economic and Statistical Methods of Data Analysis”, “Management of Information Systems”, “Data Mining”, “Mathematical and Simulation Economic Models”, “Strategic and Game Models”. By the way, the last section explains the chess piece on the cover of the journal. The fact is that the section “Strategic and Game Models” is supervised by the head of the USUE Department of Chess Art and Computer Mathematics, multiple world chess champion Anatoly Karpov. The scientific journal was included in the list of publications of the Higher Attestation Commission in the scientific specialty “Mathematical, Statistical and Instrumental Methods of Economics”.

 “We have been working toward this for a long time. The university already had three flagship journals in economics, management, and food industry. There was a lack of publications on information technologies, and in Russia, one of the national priorities is technological sovereignty. The fact that the journal has entered the list of publications of the Higher Attestation Commission allows the university to train candidates of sciences in mathematical methods. Now we are planning to submit an application to the Higher Attestation Commission in other areas of the journal,” says the head of the USUE Department of Scientometrics, Research and Ratings, Victor Blaginin .

Digital Models and Solutions is published in both print and electronic formats four times a year. The editorial board of the journal comprises scientists from CEMI RAS (Moscow), I. Mechnikov Northwestern State Medical University (St. Petersburg), UrFU (Yekaterinburg), BSEU (Minsk), Serbian Academy of Sciences and Arts (Belgrade), TSUE (Tashkent), and other well-known higher educational institutions.

USUE journal Digital Models and Solutions has entered the list of publications of the Higher Attestation Commission.

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