The rector of Ural State University of Economics Yakov Silin met with the Vice-Rector for External Relations and Development of Osh Technological University Urmat Attokurov. The leaders agreed on cooperation in the exchange of students between USUE and OshTU.

In particular, Urmat Tologonovich proposed to improve the exchange system and provide students with the opportunity to take entrance exams to the university remotely without leaving the country. The rector of USUE supported his proposal. Students of this university can simultaneously receive two educations, while USUE teachers come to Tashkent to examine students there in some disciplines.

“This option is much more reasonable. Not all students can afford to move to another country. In this case, they have the opportunity to receive two educations with minimum expense.  I am sure that we will be able to implement a similar project with Osh Technological University,Yakov Silin said.

The rector of Ural State University of Economics Yakov Silin met with the Vice-Rector for External Relations and Development of Osh Technological University Urmat Attokurov. The leaders agreed on cooperation in the exchange of students between USUE and OshTU.

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