EEYF is an example of networking cooperation

The Coordinating Council of the Eurasian Network University approved the work plan for 2023 and supported the holding of XIII EEYF.

October 7, as part of the annual Eurasian Business Forum “Integration”, held in Moscow, a meeting of the Coordinating Council of the Eurasian Network University (ENU) was held to discuss organizational issues of further development and consider the ENU work plan for 2023.

USUE Vice-Rector for research Viktor Kovalev took part in the meeting and in his report, he introduced USUE as one of the largest and most authoritative scientific and educational centers in Russia, which has been dealing with issues of Eurasian integration for many years, a university that implements the largest youth movement in the entire post-Soviet space - the Eurasian Economic Youth Forum (EEYF).

 The participants of the meeting of the Coordinating Council were especially interested in the USUE experience in organizing regional platforms for EEYF in the countries of the Eurasian space (Azerbaijan, Belarus, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Tajikistan), which were supervised by USUE Vice-Rector for Social Work and Youth Policy Roman Krasnov. This experience is a vivid example of networking in the scientific and educational sphere, consistent with the goals and objectives of the universities that are members of the ENU, the largest scientific and educational consortium in the EAEU space.

After Viktor Kovalev’s speech, a member of the Board–Minister in charge of Integration and Macroeconomics of the Eurasian Economic Commission, academician of the Russian Academy of Sciences Sergei Glazyev asked to support USUE’s experience in the network form of EEYF organization, thanked USUE Rector Yakov Silin and the university staff for the great work to promote the ideas of Eurasian integration in the youth environment.

Vladimir Stroev, the chairperson of the Coordinating Council, and all members of the Eurasian Network University unanimously voted for including the XIII EEYF in the ENU work plan for 2023 and decided to provide comprehensive support in implementing the scientific events of the forum. For USUE, this support from strong partner universities can definitely be useful and will contribute to implementing new network scientific and educational initiatives.

Today, the Eurasian Network University is the largest scientific and educational consortium in the Eurasian space. It was established on May 26, 2022. At the Eurasian Economic Forum in Bishkek, USUE Rector Yakov Silin, along with the heads of other 11 leading universities of the EAEU countries, signed a Memorandum of Understanding on establishing the Eurasian Network University (ENU). The initiative received active support from the Eurasian Economic Commission (EEC) and a member of the Board–Minister in charge of Integration and Macroeconomics of the Eurasian Economic Commission Sergey Glazyev.

 The participants of the Memorandum of Understanding on establishing the Eurasian Network University were the Belarusian State University, Belarus State Economic University, the Kyrgyz State University of Construction, Transport and Architecture named after N. Isanov, M. Ryskulbekov Kyrgyz Economic University, Osh State University, Lomonosov Moscow State University, University under the Inter-Parliamentary Assembly of EurAsEC, Ural State University of Economics, State University of Management, Belgorod State Technological University, Moscow Power Engineering Institute, and Bishkek State University named after K. Karasaev.

15 July 2022, Armenian State University of Economics, Rudny Industrial Institute, and the HSE University also joined the Memorandum. The ENU Coordinating Council was set up, headed by the rector of the State University of Management, Doctor of Economic Sciences, Professor Vladimir Stroev.

October 7, 2022, the Coordinating Council approved the entry into the ENU Bauman Moscow State Technical University, Stankin Moscow State Technological University, and some others.

The key idea of the ENU implies the framing of a barrier-free environment between the educational structures of the EAEU member countries, developing of the human and intellectual capital of the EAEU, promoting of global competitiveness and long-term prosperity of the EAEU countries’ economies, and doing the groundwork for improving the quality of life of citizens.

The tasks of the ENU are to organize the training of qualified personnel in a network form (including using distance learning technologies) to meet the needs of the EAEU labor market, monitoring the development of the EAEU labor market, organization of scientific research and developments competitive in world markets, promoting the free movement of educational services within the EAEU, and stimulation of the personal growth of young people in the spirit of the values of Eurasian integration.

The largest scientific and educational consortium of the EAEU supports XIII EEYF

Пресс-служба УрГЭУ

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