Eurasian economic youth forum strengthens international dialogue

The XI EEYF "Russia and the Regions of the World: the embodiment of ideas and the Economy of opportunities" has ended, but  the university and the rector of USUE Yakov Silin still receiving the gratitude words from the participants.

In particular, Mr. Jorge Patricio Palacios Porras, Minister, Charge d'affaires a.i. of Ecuador sent a letter of sincere gratitude for the warm welcome and invaluable attention.

"It was a great pleasure for me to participate in this particularly important event, which brought together a large number of delegates from different countries and regions of Russia to discuss such topics as economy, innovation, finance, technology and education at the Russian and international level," the message says.

Larisa Kostrovets, Rector of the Donetsk Academy of Management and Public Service under the Head of the Donetsk People's Republic expressed her gratitude to the forum organizers "for the long-term initiative in uniting intellectual youth from all over the world under the auspices of universities in Russia, Kyrgyzstan, Uzbekistan, Kazakhstan, Turkey, Belarus".

Mr. Paulo Viseu Pinheiro, Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary Ambassador of the Portugese Republic said: "I would also like to note the excellent work of your colleagues in the person of the USUE Vice-Rector of Social Work Department, Mr. Roman Krasnov, as well as the head of the USUE International Cooperation Department, Kirill Parshakov, who provided great assistance in organizing and successfully implementing my visit to Yekaterinburg, accompanied by my Embassy colleague, Mr. Hugo Sousa".

Dr. Mohsen Anwar Abdo Ali, Counsellor of the Embassy of the Republic of Yemen, expressed his sincere gratitude for the invitation to participate in the XI Eurasian Economic Youth Forum.

"The 2021 Forum, which brought together thousands of participants among students from dozens of countries, hundreds of distinguished guests, including more than 20 foreign ambassadors, clearly demonstrated that our country, the Ural region, and the Ural State University of Economics are the center of attraction for talented young people," said Alexander Kharlov, representative of the Russian Foreign Ministry in Yekaterinburg.

The guests of honor also expressed their confidence that the forum's events will be useful, interesting and will help to choose the right vector of economic, scientific and educational relations, between universities and the participating countries.

The XI EEYF "Russia and the Regions of the World: the embodiment of ideas and the Economy of opportunities" has ended, but the university and the rector of USUE Yakov Silin still receiving the gratitude words from the participants.

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